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Old 11-16-2007, 02:44 PM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Originally posted by kinook
This behavior only occurs if the attribute did not already exist for an item, so you can avoid it by adding the attribute (with a blank value) to the item template.
Boy, do you have me confused.

When I was testing the behavior I was using a new Item (derived from a Template) that had a Form assigned, the Form had a number of Attributes where the Attribute Type is String.

Now, one thing I have noticed is that if I start from a new Item (with Form assigned) and expose the Attribute Pane (Ctrl-4), and make the data entry in the Attribute Pane the data is preserved as entered - w/o having to do anything else.

Seems to point to the way that data is being read from the Form and written to the database.
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