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Old 11-16-2007, 02:55 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
UR does not currently validate the entry of a Money attribute value. We'll consider that for a future release.

However, a Money attribute value is displayed according to the Windows currency settings (as configured in Regional and Language Options) in the Related Items and Item Attributes panes (but not in a form, since there is no separate display vs. edit mode for a form field). For instance, a value of 123456790.1234 will be formatted as $123,456,790.12 on US English Windows by default.

But this formatting also has the side effect of displaying an invalid value as $0.00 (before formatting, it first converts the number to a floating point value, and converting a string with a $, comma, or other non-digit character will convert to 0). If the attribute value is edited in the Item Attributes pane, you'll see the value that was actually entered.

So it's best to enter a valid floating point value (digits and decimal point only, and without currency symbol or thousands separators) into a Currency field. Or if you do want to type the symbols, use a String attribute type instead.
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