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Old 11-28-2007, 03:58 PM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Join Date: 10-16-2005
Location: Blairsville, GA USA
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Just Wondering if this has bearing...

In your new Advanced Search did you check "Store dates relative to the current date"?

From the Help File (Relative Dates):

The Store dates relative to the current date checkbox available to Advanced Searches allows you to specify dates that will remain a relative distance from the current date.

As an example, assume today's date is 10/1/2004 and you specify a Criteria Row date Value of 9/15/2004 (which is 15 days prior to today's date of 10/1/2004). If you check the Store dates relative to the current date checkbox, the search Value will be stored not as the absolute value of 9/15/2004 but rather will compute a date 15 days prior to the current date whenever the Search is executed.

This feature enables you to create searches like the default Saved Search named Recently Viewed.
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