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Old 12-05-2007, 12:48 PM is online now
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Join Date: 02-19-2004
Location: Saint Augustine, FL
Posts: 21
Binary Compatibility

I know that this topic has been tossed about, but reading the posts I got lost

I have a few DLL's and an EXE server that are all made to be Binary Compatible using VB6.

When I do a build (and this is whats confusing) how do I get the compiled Compatibility references to compile automatically if the reference has changed?

In other words, if I change the interface of a function in my DLL's or EXE Server, when I go to compile I get the ole Binary Compatibility error.

Can VBP automatically rebuild the compatibility reference if it is no longer the same?

From what I see in the configuration choices for the steps in VBP there is a field that says "Update the Compibility Directory for Each project", but it does not seem to do what I think it's going to do... in fact, it does not seem to do anything...

Any help or clarification would be appreciated.
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