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Old 12-05-2007, 02:09 PM is online now
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Join Date: 02-19-2004
Location: Saint Augustine, FL
Posts: 21
Originally posted by kinook
To avoid the compatibility error when building after breaking interface compatibility, on the Compatibility tab of the Make VB6 action, change 'Set version compatibility before building' to Project compatibility.
It does not seem to make any difference. My VBP project starts with one A/X DLL with no references, I then have another that references the first one, and another that references the first two and so on, and then 5 regular EXE programs that all have references to the DLL's.

What happens is that I have to go to the second DLL, change the compatiblility to NONE in VB6, recompile my compatibility reference to create the file DLL, then set the project back to Binary compatibility then recompile the distribution DLL to another folder, then do the 3rd DLL and 4th and so on...

Then I have to open all of my regular EXE's to change the references and recompile them!

I only really have to do all of this if I change something in one of the DLL's, which I try not to do unless it's necessary, but when it is necessary it's a pain
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