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Old 12-10-2007, 11:41 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: visual difference between linked & stored

Originally posted by wordmuse
Is there a way to easily tell if an external document is linked or stored.
The other indicators of a stored document item are
1) [Stored] following item title in Details pane tab
2) Existence of Document Size attribute

I've been storing Word docs (as RTF), but I'm changing my procedure based on a URP3 behavior: namely that when I create a Word based item in URP3, jump (Ctrl+J) out to Word, create a numbered sequence, come back into URP3 and then jump back out to Word, Word's numbering function isn't the same as I left it.

I can go into detail if desired, but suffice to say, I've tested this a few times to be pretty sure of myself in this.

If, however, I create a Word doc, import it as a *linked* document instead of stored, then whenever I'm in the Word doc, the numbering works as I would expect.

So - this shaggy dog is really about two things: (1) letting me easily see linked or stored and (2) figuring out the numbering functionality between Word and URP3.
It sounds like the difference is that you stored RTF format but linked to a DOC format file. Saving as RTF may lose some formatting made within Word.
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