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Old 12-13-2007, 03:08 PM
teognost teognost is online now
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Join Date: 05-25-2004
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I think I am able now to reproduce this issue even more clearly.
I have a group of steps:
1)copy file ProjDep.Console.exe into folder A (VBP copy files step)
2)launch ProjDep.Console.exe using VBP Run Program step
3)delete file ProjDep.Console.exe into folder A (VBP delete files step)

I try to run "Rebuild group" action several times->sometimes is ok,but sometime it says build failed on step 3:
build '2007.1213.2.0' has failed on step 'Delete dependency binary files'.
Output of the step was:
Delete files in folder 'D:\Reports\BuildsOutput\2007.1213.2.0\'...
Error deleting file 'D:\Reports\BuildsOutput\2007.1213.2.0\ProjDep.Con sole.exe': Access is denied.
0 file(s) deleted

-if I put a "Wait" step for 5 seconds between 2) and 3) ->error did not appear
-If I replace step 3 with a Run Program step and calling del command for file deletion-error did not appear
-after group actions executed and deletion failed-if I try to manually delete the file ProjDep.Console.exe ->no problem appears.

So I think whatever happened on that bld box-it seems to affect Visual Build steps only.
Problem is I don't know how to determine exactly what is causing the file to remain locked after VBP step "Run Program" finished.
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