Maybe This Will Help Others
I've put some more work into this project and wanted to share a few more thoughts.
Modified the Layout to include the Child Items Pane (Ctrl-3) on the RH side below the Detail Pane, this eliminates having to switch between Data Explorer and the Items Attributes to select a record. I know that Layouts are a personal thing, this just seems to add some needed functionality (see attached zipfile for screen shots).
Created a Folder "Search - Vols by Category" and populated it with one Search Item for each of the Attributes that represent the "needs" of the organization (see screen shot).
Something to consider is the creation of a Template for any of your needs, even if that Template is going to be simply a copy of a UR default Template. This will allow you to Search based on the "(Item) is (which Template - drop down list)" expression. By limiting the Search to a specific Template you can store your Searches outside the branch that may contain the result Item.
Also created a Folder "Sample Work Assignment" and populated it with a single Search Item (see screen shot). Here, again, the Search is limited to a specific Template, then argumented by a wildcard search of the First Letter of the Last Name. For example purposes I've included a thrid argument that uses an "or" relationship to expand the search to include additional First Letters. Maybe there's another way to do this, I've just started to play around with the Search feature (beyond simple Searches).
Another area that I wanted to touch on, Importing from CSV to UR Attributes of the Yes/No type.
All of the organization "needs" Attributes are of the Type Yes/No (Logical). In my particular case I'm working with a pre-existing data set where all of the "needs" fields were Logical (T or F), which when converted to CSV became character fields containing "T" or "F" values. These were not being recognized by the UR Yes/No Attributes upon import.
After consulting Kinook Support, it turns out that these Logical fields in the CSV need to contain the numric values "1" (Yes) or "0" (No) in order to be recognized by the UR Yes/No Attribute. These "numeric" values in the CSV can be either character type (quoted) or numeric (unquoted) - if the program used to genereate the CSV provides for the distinction.
I realize that this thread has moved far beyond the original question and soultion (and that I've been muttering to myself), but it is my hope that it may help others who are starting out and wrestling with some of these database design questions.
Last edited by ashwken; 12-19-2007 at 04:37 PM.