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Old 12-22-2007, 01:15 PM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Originally posted by armsys
When drag & drop various webpages into UR, some webpages become a "text" info items while others "doument" info items.
This has more to do with what or how you bring the material into UR.

For example: I highlighted part of this message thread, then drug it to UR, a Document Item was created for the selected Text. If I copy the same selected text to the clipboard then go to an Item in UR and do a Ctrl-V I may get the clipboard contents as Text or as a Document - depends on the following setting Tools | Options | Import - Prefer Text/Rich Text Clipboard Formats.

Also, you'll get different results from the right-click menu Paste Special choices.

I did create a document template but it won't show up in the droplist when attempting to change from "text" to "document" template. Why can I not change the template from "text' to "document"?
I don't know why you can't change the Template Type from Text to Doc, probably has something to do with the viewing properties of an Item for the internal broswer. But it doesn't really matter why you can't, suffice to say that's not the way it's done.
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