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Old 12-28-2007, 08:40 AM
Posts: n/a
Script to clean up change log output

Is there a script available somewhere in the forums that I could use as a starting point to modify the change log output returned from a VSS History command?

I need to create a report that displays the project name, user, and comments and at the project level only.

['Operation' = 'History'
"C:\Program Files\VisBuildPro\Samples\VStudio\BlankVSS\win32\s s.exe" History $/Surface_LWD/source -R -NL -I-N -V~L5.12.2707 -Yadministrator,password -O&D:\Build_Logs\Nightly\vss_comment_log.txt -L-]

Thanks in advance.
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