Thread: Two Notes
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Old 12-29-2007, 04:10 PM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Originally posted by armsys
Since they are two different entities, are they given any Attribute names?
In the Help Index look for: Item Text (refers to the Detail Pane) and Item Note (refers to Note Pane), both are referenced under Virtual System Attributes.

The thing to understand is that the Detail Pane is the internal browser, what it will render is determined by the type of Template an Item is derived from. Most of the Templates (and Outlook objects) are based on rtf, so that rtf (text) is displayed (rendered) in the Detail Pane.

If an Item is based on the Document Template, then the Detail Pane is going to render the data file - depending on the type of data file it is (see Tools | Options | Documents and Broswer).

BTW, you also mentioned about the Form. Do you mean a Form is actually the data header of the Info Item or the Detail Pane?
No, the Form acts like a data header for the Detail Pane, in that Forms will always appear at the top of the Detail Pane, the "body" of the Detail Pane is "pushed" below the Form.

If you do not assign a Form to a Template, the "body" of the Detail Pane will be all that is shown.

Hoping this hasn't muddied the waters.
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