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Old 01-03-2008, 01:53 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Join Date: 10-16-2005
Location: Blairsville, GA USA
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Something just dawned on me

from third post of this message
You need to create a "dummy" Item (probably create under it's own Folder) to hold the checked value (.T.) for the desired list of user-defined keywords. The Item Type (for this dummy record) is irrelavent becuase user-defined keywords are database-wide, and exsist within the database as long as there is one Item that contains a .T. value for the keyword.

Create the "dummy" Item in the Template Folder.

Simplest is to create a new Template (_User-Defined KW) based on the Text Template, Ctrl-K to expose the Keyword dialog and build your list.

This could serve as a "jump-start" on your User-defined Keywords List.

Also, when Searching with the Comparison (contains keywords), Templates are not returned in the Search results.

I'm not sure if this approach is benefical, it's just one path I've gone down.


The list of user-defined keywords will appear unchecked (.F.) for ALL Items in the database, including Templates and new Items. The user-defined keywords are "available" to all Items (Ctrl-K), but must be assigned (checked) to each Item.

At the Template level you can "assign" (check) specific keywords to create a range of potential values for the new Item derived from the Template. Unchecking from these defaults after Item creation will further specify the Item.
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