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Old 01-05-2008, 08:02 PM
armsys armsys is online now
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Join Date: 12-19-2007
Posts: 647

1. First look up your keyboard mapping in UR ( Tools | Customize | Keyboard ). In the <Category:>, select Item. Scroll down the <Commands:> scrollbox and select "Format | Strikeout". Given your description, it's likely the problem will be resolved.

2. If the Insert Hyperlink is set to UR manufacturer default keyboard shortcut, namely, Ctrl+Shift+K, then it's caused by a global hotkeys, which always override the applications' keyboard shortcuts. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to locate the source(s) of these global hotkeys. No, Windows doesn't have the tool to locate the global hotkeys even for the hotkeys asisgned to the icons on the Windows desktop.

3. In the absence of any available keyboard shortcuts, all functions in UR can be performed through a myriad of menus. In this caes, just select the user-friendly text and right-click your mouse. You should find the 10th item, namely, Insert Hyperlink.... If you change inadvertently your keyboard mapping, you will see it as well.

4. I'm still a kindergarten student learning how to walk in the UR wonderland, and learn a great deal from generous memebers like you. Please don't mention it.

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