Thread: NCover 2.0.3
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Old 01-08-2008, 01:31 AM
DwayneGreen DwayneGreen is online now
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NCover 2.0.3

I am trying to use the NCover action supplied by Visual Build Professional 6.5. I fixed the registry issue so that Visual Build is able to find the NCover executable.

The problem I am having is that NCover is not displaying any results and I am getting a lot of failure to load symbols for supporting files (Such as System.XML.dll, System.Data.dll).

I am able to run NCover on the command line:

Ncover.console Nunit-console C:\Dev\Project\Subproject\bin\debug\filename.dll
C:\Dev\Project\Subproject\bin\debug\otherfilename (no .dll)

and it displays the correct results in the xml file.

In the action input area:
C:\Program Files\NUnit 2.4.1\bin C:\Dev\Project\Subproject\bin\debug\filename.dll
List of assemblies:
C:\Dev\Project\Subproject\bin\debug\otherfilename (no .dll)
Additional Options:
Tried with and without /noshadow

I have included the log file that Visual Build Professional is displaying.

Any ideas or suggestions at this point would be helpful.
Attached Files
File Type: txt webservicescoverage.txt (131.1 KB, 2625 views)
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