Thread: UR vs AskSam
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Old 01-13-2008, 10:21 AM
StephenUK StephenUK is online now
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Armstrong. Yes, this does work quite well for a single directory. Indeed, Kyle kindly suggested this some months ago.

I agree with Quant that photos need ideally to be stored within the program to be consistent with the approach used for other data.

The particular problem I have is that:

- the directory structure where I hold the photos changes quite frequently and is several layers deep. If I import the parent directory, and represent it as a directory in UR, the files in that parent directory display nicely as thumbnails and do, as you say, load very quickly. But if I want to drill down to a sub directory I am just taken to Windows Explorer.

I can, of course, laboriously recreate my Windows Explorer directory structure I use for my photos in UR one directory at a time. But with perhaps 100 directories, and no way to synchronise the directory structure, it is a tedious process both to create and to maintain.

So I would suggest the value of internal thumbnails, or, if that is difficult to achieve, some way of quickly reproducing part of the Windows explorer tree in the UR tree with a means of synching the two. (I can't think that would be so difficult in programming terms).
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