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Old 06-10-2004, 06:32 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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A simple C# app like you mentioned and Visual Build Pro aren't directly comparable. VBP provides a multi-threaded, extensible build environment (extensible at runtime via scripting events, custom actions, build rules, macros, custom logging components, etc.), and all of this infrastructure adds some overhead to the process (not to mention the work that is done to maintain backwards compatibility with earlier versions).

However, I agree that there may be some room for improvement in raw performance here. For our builds, the processing done for each file when using a Process Files action typically dwarfs the iterating overhead of VBP itself, and there haven't been complaints about it before now, so we weren't aware of this being an issue. Thanks for the feedback, it's on our list to investigate to see if any optimizations can be implemented.
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