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Old 01-18-2008, 05:20 AM
dasymington dasymington is online now
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Join Date: 06-15-2005
Posts: 287
Attribute updates itself! Causing Date Modified to be changed.

This is repeatable. I have a user defined attribute called location that I use on a form in a template. At some time I have entered a value of "dunfermline" onto an item based on the template. At another time I've entered the value "Dunfermline". Both appear in the drop down list of previous values when I'm using the form. If I create a new data item based on the template and type "Dunfermline", when I go back to view that data item later the value changes to "dunfermline" and the Date Modified gets updated to the date and time that I view the item. This makes the Date Modifed item completely useless.
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