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Old 01-18-2008, 11:42 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
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For attributes with 'Auto-complete values from other items' checked, UR is supposed to prevent two attributes from being assigned the same value with only upper/lower case differences. We now see that there is one situation where that isn't done -- when a value with different case is explicitly typed into a form field (not chosen from the drop-down list). In that case, it gets saved with the case difference, but when the item is displayed again, the first matching value in the drop-down is selected (the all-lower-case occurrence in your case), and the item is saved that way when leaving the item. From that point on, as long as the value is not explicitly changed again to a different case by explicitly typing it differently, the item will not be modified when visited again.

To prevent this behavior, turn off auto-completion for that attribute, but that exposes another case sensitivity issue. UR was not intended to allow naming two attributes with the same name, differing only in upper/lower case (i.e., Location and location). It does allow this, but since it is not expected, there is a problem with modifying its properties -- the Attribute Properties dialog is not loaded with the properties of the attribute, so you need to type in the name and category again (and uncheck the Auto-complete option) to modify attribute. And you may want to add a trailing space to the attribute name to avoid that problem in the future.
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