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Old 01-26-2008, 10:47 PM
KosmoKrammer KosmoKrammer is online now
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Join Date: 08-20-2006
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Lightbulb multi-user over the internet

Here's a thought.

Weekly I meet with a group of people (approx. 5-6) via teleconference and discuss subjects related to our group. We are pretty formal in that we have adopted the Robert's rules of order and have officers in the group. My office is the secretary so I am expected to keep the minutes which I do in UR. This works pretty well, but it would be nice If I could post my database to a place on the internet and have the users see the changes that I have made since the last time we met. Then as we go through the meeting we could be looking at the same UR database.

I wouldn't really have to be multi-user in the sense that they would have to update it (although that would be cool but not sure it's worth the complication since I am the main one to make changes).

I suppose I could just have everyone have the reader version of UR and mail it to them weekly, but this seems complicated. Maybe what I need is a program that uses Click-once. Then the other users of the group would be expected to run this program before the meeting started.

The logic of the program would to check if a new version of the UR database has been posted, if so then it would download it and launch UR or it would just launch UR with the latest local UR database.

what do you think? Has someone all ready done something like this?
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