Thread: Menu Numonics
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Old 01-30-2008, 12:33 PM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Menu Numonics

Not sure if that's the right term (numonics)...

From any Item in the Data Explorer, Alt-Insert to expose the Templates available to insert as a child. The first letter of each Template name becomes a hot-key to select/insert, or if more than one Template begins with the same letter (Task, Text) pressing that letter will place the selector at the first instance of the letter in the list.

If you prefix a Template Name with a number, 1 - Template Name, this Template will sort to the top of the list and pressing the appropiate number will insert the selected Template. But only if you use the number keys from the keyboard, using the number keypad (NumLock = On) will not make a selection.

Is this the proper behavoir?
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