Thread: Alt-Z Behavior
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Old 01-31-2008, 03:18 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Originally posted by ashwken

I'd say a fairly generic 102-104 PS2 keyboard; on the LH side there's a Win key between Ctrl and Alt, on the RH side there's a Win key and a Menu key (?) between Alt and Ctrl.
OK, the keyboard on my home system is similar, in fact it's so generic that it doesn't even have a manufacturer name.

As far as the UR Install Info is concerned the output is the same except for these additional lines on the home system:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\MsftEdit.dll version
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RichEd20.dll version

This may be due to a difference in MS Office versions, MS Office 2000 SP3 at home, something more recent at work.

Another difference between the two systems is that on the home system both the LH and RH Alt-Z work in the Item Attributes Pane, but it still takes a second invocation of Alt-Z to insert a value - either in a field with data (Item Title) or an initially blank field.

In regards to what's running in Residence (see, both systems are pretty much the same (I'm a minimalist in this sense) - running AVG Free on both, the home system runs Zone Alarm, and the office system runs whatever MS supplies.

Neither or these problems is earth-stopping now that they are known.
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