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Old 02-23-2008, 01:57 PM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Working with Document Summary Attributes and mp3

I've created the following Attributes in UR, which correspond to Windows Document Summary Attributes for mp3 files (left out Lyrics):

Album Title
Track Number
Bit Rate
Audio sample rate

I have placed these attributes on a Form (Album Track mp3). Then from the Templates folder, Insert Child Item (Document) and name this new template (Album Track mp3), assign the corresponding Form to this new template. This new template is assigned as the Default Child Template for a parent item Album Title.

Tree Structure:
Artist-GrpName\Album Title\Album Track mp3

When Importing files to a selected Album Title the Album Track mp3 template (and assigned Form) is used for the imported files, but the Windows Summary Attributes are not recognized.

By default the Document Template has a DocType value of (13), which is carried over to any new templates created from the Document Template. This DocType value needs to be changed to (12) for the Album Track mp3 template, then the Windows Summary Attributes will be recognized (during a new Import).

On my system (UR Pro v., Win XP Pro SP2) both (Channels) and (Audio sample rate) are not recognized by Import even after making the above adjustment to the DocType value.

Interestingly, I'm also seeing that Windows Summary Attributes is truncating the (Comments) attribute after the 28th character (at least for mp3 files).

As Kinook mentioned above, Windows Summary Attributes is a bit arcane, but this may save others some time and effort.

Last edited by ashwken; 02-23-2008 at 03:27 PM.
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