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Old 02-26-2008, 12:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Newbie seeking improvement on present method of work...

Hello all.

I am a newbie who is considering the purchase of UR. Before I proceed to download the trial version, I would like to ask members here:

i) if they can illustrate (explain) to me how the use of UR will be able to improve or streamline my present work method?
(example below)

ii) if they have any ideas on how UR can be used in ways well in advance of my data capture process?

iii) how ii) might be undertaken with use of Copernic while retaining the present folder & file structure (data storage & retrieval)?

My present method of research (data capture) means that
I select numerous documents via a search engine -word, pdf etc- copy&paste them into the relevant hard disk folder, then proceed to name(code) each of them according to my categorization scheme. Unlike pdfs, for both the .doc and the many.txt documents used for the placing of an assortment of links, I am required to perform the additional actions of creating a new document. (file-new-select type-paste-perform some light formatting-name).My indexer, Copernic, works well for retrieval.

I have checked the archives, but I have been left a little confused by the somewhat complex nature of some of the answers.

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