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Old 02-28-2008, 08:37 AM
jannlin jannlin is online now
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Join Date: 02-27-2008
Location: CARY, NC
Posts: 4
I tried as what you recommended at command promt and got the same error. With that, I have two questions and appreciate if you can help.

1. What is the .exe file generated by 32 bit version of VCBUILD.EXE in c:\Program Files (x86)\... dir and "Debug|x64" in the project file? Is it for 32 bit or for 64 bit? I would hope it is for 64 bit or I expect I should get some error message back when building.

2. There is only one devenv at c:\Program Files (x86)\... directory. So that is for both 32 and 64 bits? Some how this is not consistent with other MS commands. For the commands that works for both 32 and 64 bits are usually stored in c:\Program Files\... directories.

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