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Old 03-04-2008, 04:08 PM
TimP TimP is online now
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Join Date: 01-31-2006
Location: I live in a small village a few minutes south of Ottawa, Canada
Posts: 58
I guess you're not getting much back on your request because it's so very general.

While I don't have time to produce a procedure for you, I've done pretty much what you're doing and only for less than two weeks. Download your files as usual, rename your files. Then you could import them into UR. Depending on your settings (which is the tricky part), the import will result in the creation of a tree node for each file which either contains or points to each of your files. Poof! If you've set your options to view/edit your PDFs internally, clicking on a tree node will cause the file to display in the detail pane.

To manage my research references, I've not imported the external files, but manually created an item for each that I've examined and found relevant. I created a custom template and custom form for my references that carries the meta data I want to be associated to each reference (retrieval date, publish date, stuff like that) and then dragged-and-dropped the file into the item detail area thus creating a clickable link to the file. I then put the formal reference text in the item detail area, along with the article abstract and my assessment of its relevance, because the form font is a tad small for my old eyes.

All of this worked pretty well for me pretty quickly because I've come from Treepad, another structured note-taker/outliner/PIM product. You're just going to have to play around with a few arrangements until you're satisfied that you've got a reasonable workflow and your data is cleanly stored, visible and searchable. The beauty of this product is its flexibility, which induces complexity for sure, but allows it to adapt to many different approaches.

Good luck.
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