Thread: VPN connection
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Old 03-05-2008, 11:41 AM
MVFF MVFF is online now
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VPN connection

Greetings, I'm a new user and I think this is an awesome program. However, I do have something to inquire about. I purchased a license for my job and like the application so much that I asked my department assistant to give it a try with an eval installation on her laptop. I put the ultra recall file on a network server and all seemed well while at work. We both work from home fairly often and while on a cable connection from home, I connected to the company VPN and tried to open the UR file from the network server at work. The normally decent connection was unusable for UR work. The file is less than 10MB but took a long time to open. Once open, it took 30 to 50 seconds to go from one folder item to another.

Does anyone else experience this?
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