doc file type settings
I think my .doc file type registry setting is screwed up because I see a Jarte icon next to .doc files in URp & if I click on it, the document cannot be opened inside URp browser.
.doc file type is associated with Word in file type | options
also .doc is set in URp itself.
Can someone point me to the registry setting that I can check or send me a registry fix for this particular thing.
Bumping & edited 03/08/08
In Settings | Control Panel | Folder Options | doc file type is set to open w winword but just below it, there's a msg that sez click to restore to default which is Jarte. Problem is Jarte is not on my machine.
The icon on DOC files is correct. If I click on a desktop DOC file it opens winword but does not insert the file into the program. Something is missing. Because of this I can't see / edit doc files within UR.
I'd appreciate some tech sujpport on this from someone.
Thank you.
Last edited by janrif; 03-08-2008 at 08:32 AM.