Thread: Beta discussion
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Old 03-06-2008, 09:33 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Originally posted by quant
hmmm, I'd be interested to know how to force UR to use the new rules for item title. I tried to change the template, but new rules are not applied, and the old title based on "Item title" remains.
From the Help file - Custom Item Titles:

If the template is no longer using the Item Title attribute for the title, you can delete it from the template to avoid confusion.


If items already exist for the template when you change the Title Expression value, the titles are not automatically refreshed for the existing items until you change an attribute value that is part of the Title Expression.

At the Template level, if you use a Title Expression you might want to delete any value that is present for Item Title and/or remove the Item Title from the assigned Form for that Template.

Deleting the Item Title value for a Template will force a default title of "(Untitled)" for a new Item until values are present for the Attributes used in the Title Expression.

Perhaps if Item Title were read-only (EDIT: on a Form) when a value is present for Title Expression...

I'm also wondering if there isn't some way (programatically) to "Apply" a Title Expression to exisitng Items, but this assumes that all existing Items have the proper values in the Attributes that are used to create the expression - applying a Title Expression to exisiting Items could be a boon or a bust.

Last edited by ashwken; 03-08-2008 at 01:19 PM.
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