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Old 03-06-2008, 12:01 PM
DuncanL DuncanL is offline
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Join Date: 07-26-2007
Posts: 29
VS 2005 step "complete" with error

During a build today I noticed one of our projects build with an error. It is a Visual Studio 2005 VB .Net project and the problem was that a reference could not be resolved. The error was of the form:
Failed to create the wrapper assembly for type library "Control". Did not find a registered ActiveX control in 'Control'.
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
However, VisualBuild Pro merrily treated the build as successfully completed and carried on. I just happened to see the error and stop the build.

Any ideas why that might be and what we could do to make it return an error? I assume it's a Visual Studio issue rather than VBP?
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