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Old 05-09-2008, 05:04 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: Reading a value of Macro from a external file

Originally posted by ShiamakD

Is there a way to read a value of macro defined in a file.


Where different strings gets updated at the BUILD time, what i wanna do is create a macro in my Visual Build script then read the VALUE of macro defined/updated in my file then allocate the READ value to my visual build macro and then use it for PROPERTIES section of Make VS 2005 .

To make myself more clear , lets say STR_szAppBuildNumber in my exteral file hold the value of build number that changes everyday, now I would like to read this value of szAppBuildNumer string and allocate this value to a MACRO defined within VisualBuild script , and then use the VisualBuild macro to assing this value to CONFIGURATIOn of PROPERTIES?

Is it possible?
Yes, see attached sample.

Also does VisualBuild allows a user to ADD additional property strings (in C# its is called assemblyAttributes).
Yes, for each property specified on the Properties tab of the Make VS 2005 action (for managed projects), if the corresponding assembly attribute doesn't exist, it will be added to the project's assemblyinfo file. To add other attributes, use the Replace in File action (see attachment).
Attached Files
File Type: bld findtext2.bld (6.7 KB, 1881 views)
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