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Old 07-02-2008, 04:13 AM
vanHunks vanHunks is online now
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Problems with Item Names ?

Good day,
I don't know if it's normal or an error but I have several instances where the Item Name (in the Child Item window) doesn't match the original file name. This applies to Word documents and PDFs created by "printing" the source file (.TIF) using one of the PDF-creation printer drivers (PDF995 to be exact). Ultra Recall appears to be going into the file to obtain the name, for example "Sign_off A.pdf" is called "O:\_1025155355.TIF" which is the original .TIF file. As another example, a file called "Business Requirments - Engen STO Automation v1.00 TPT response.doc" is called "Title Page". Excel and PowerPoint documents and a .WAV file have retained their original file names. See the attached screen shot.
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