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Old 07-16-2004, 02:05 PM
Josef Josef is online now
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Join Date: 07-16-2004
Posts: 1
Macro Error causes VBP to freeze

Not sure if anyone has seen this yet, but I just ran in to a bug/problem (caused by user error of course )...

I created a nested Macro, consisting of an aggregate of two other macros. I typo'd the second macro and missed the ending "%". When my script threw an error, I went to change it.

The auto-display mouse over also throws an error, freezing the VBP app (at least on the Win2K3 server I was using it on).

The way to fix this was to get the properties page up, and use the keyboard to add the missing "%" to the end. Like I said, I made my own problem... But if anyone else finds themselves freezing trying to fix a similar issue, this is why...

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