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Old 07-02-2008, 08:57 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by Jon Polish
Thanks, but that is not practical because of the amount of stored items some of which may be buried several levels deep. I guess I should break down my question.

1. Is it possible to search for stored files?
Document Size exists

2. Once those stored files are found, it would be a simple matter of selecting all of them and dragging them to a folder on (for example) the desktop. I would like to keep the structure of my database and because the stored files could be anywhere and at any level, exporting and importing to a new database would hardly suffice. Is there any way to perform a mass synch operation with the files I just exported (I suspect not, and if this has to be performed individually, I won't even begin)?
You can select all and sync the stored items, but what happens depends on the value of each item's URL attribute (which is not modified by exporting). If the URL is a valid filename, it will copy the stored document to the file system (to a relative path if the URL has no path or a relative path), but syncing will not delete the stored instance.
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