Thread: URD is Bloating
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Old 07-05-2008, 07:54 PM
tfjern tfjern is online now
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Join Date: 10-09-2007
Posts: 132
URD is Bloating

Not much activity on the forum these days, so here is a minor contribution. I recently created a UR database, and I decided to take someone's advice (which I read on the forum) that it is better to link and not store material (esp. pdfs and the like). But I noticed that the file already has 80 megs, and I've barely started. Kinook cautions that things start to slow down ("degrade" is the word he uses) after 200 megs, though the maximum for a UR file is much larger.

My question: how can my UR database be so large already when it consists mostly of links? At this rate of bloat I expect things such as searches will start to suffer major degradation.
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