Originally posted by tfjern
First, you said that 1. File Size does NOT include linked files, but when I tested this by linking five pdf files, the only change in the four sizes occurred in the first, 1. File Size.
you probably index them that's why the urd increases, but it certainly doesn't include the file sizes themselves. How many keywords has your urd file (file->properties)? This is probably answer to your 80MB urd file size.
Originally posted by tfjern
Second, how can Stored Document Size be smaller than Item Rich Text? This doesn't make sense.
because they are most probably zipped
Originally posted by tfjern
Third, upon compacting no percentage change was indicated, since, as I said, almost all the data in the database is linked, not stored.
ok, I thought you were changing your urd file, when you first removed those that were stored, and then you linked them.