Thread: URD is Bloating
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Old 07-06-2008, 06:40 PM
tfjern tfjern is online now
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Join Date: 10-09-2007
Posts: 132
Frustrating, to Put It Mildly

OK, I selected everything in Data Explorer. Then went to Item / Keywords, but both panes -- user-defined keywords and auto-generated keywords -- were empty. Delete what?

On the other hand, if I Control + K on a particular item (linked, by the way), I get a list of auto-generated items (which seems to vary, item by item, though not always!). Am I supposed to go through the entire database and delete the item keywords? Please say no.

Also, in Properties it says I have 1.1 million keywords! Nice.

So how, pray tell, am I supposed to delete these keywords?

You would think Kinook would address this problem in a more serious manner, but I get the feeling that after creating a great piece of software, UR, they feel their job is done, and the users should be saavy enough to figure out things on their own. And they do, albeit usually serendipidously, or more often on the forum. I have a sinking feeling keywords is a flawed concept or at least a work in progress.

Last edited by tfjern; 07-06-2008 at 07:56 PM.
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