Thread: URD is Bloating
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Old 07-07-2008, 02:37 AM
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Re: Frustrating, to Put It Mildly

Originally posted by tfjern
You would think Kinook would address this problem in a more serious manner, but I get the feeling that after creating a great piece of software, UR, they feel their job is done, and the users should be saavy enough to figure out things on their own. And they do, albeit usually serendipidously, or more often on the forum. I have a sinking feeling keywords is a flawed concept or at least a work in progress.
You set to keyword your documents, have 1 million of them, so no wonder your file is 80MB, and it will make lightning fast searches.

Unfortunately, Jon Polish was not right cause it's not the way to delete keywords. To delete them, first set which kind of file extensions should not be keyworded, then select the items, and resynchronize ...

Everything is in the help file!!! And it's right where you'd first look at, auto-generated keywords. So if by "saavy enough" you mean someone who knows how to use help file, then I share your frustration ;-)

"Auto-generated Keywords can't be manually added (see User-Defined Keywords) but can be deleted (they are automatically replaced when the Info Item is Synchronized)."
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