Thread: URD is Bloating
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Old 07-07-2008, 07:22 AM
tfjern tfjern is online now
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Join Date: 10-09-2007
Posts: 132
Same planet, different world

I am calm. Annoyed, perhaps, but still calm.

You borrowed two definitions from the your crystal-clear "help" file ("Mine is simply different"), but you still haven't answered my simple question:

viz., why is my Stored Document Size (387,992) smaller than my Item Rich Text (also stored, but NOT zipped) (27,203,470)?

Logically shouldn't the size of the latter be smaller than the former, or am I missing something? Or perhaps we have entered the mysterious realm of quantum computing and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle has taking effect.

Kinook, are you there? Hello?
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