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Old 07-08-2008, 07:24 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
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You don't need (or probably want to) export a database in order to back it up. I do see that 'backup export' is one of the keywords for the XML export topic, which we'll remove.

'backup' in the help index and search leads to:

As long as you create/save your .urd files in a location with your other documents and files (typically the Windows "My Documents" folder, which I hope you're already backing up regularly), they will get backed up too.

There are lots of good backup programs available (online backup is a good choice these days, rather than writing to tape or DVD and physically storing off site) which do far more than we ever could with something specific to UR. And saving multiple versions ala Quicken would be problematic for some users, since URD files can grow quite large and take time to copy.

Yes, the XML export option does require a filename. I apologize if that was not clear. We'll consider defaulting to some filename (i.e., export.xml) if not provided in the 'File to export' field.

Feel free to contribute tips, samples, and/or tutorials at We will also be adding some of these to based on quant's suggestion in
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