Thread: Version 3.5a
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Old 07-12-2008, 11:45 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,034
Version 3.5a

Released on July 15, 2008


  • Improved capturing of styles and formatting when storing web pages.
  • Support mnemonic letter (ampersand -- i.e., Tas&k for k as mnemonic) in Template names to define match letter when displayed in Insert Child/Sibling menu.
  • Support adding 'Keywords (user-defined)' attribute on a form.
  • Support Info Item attribute type in custom item titles.
  • Disable deleting root hoisted item.

    Bug fixes

  • Closing a non-selected tab blanks the current tab.
  • Opening a URL in a new tab from a form item blanks the form tab.
  • Edit | Copy Grid Values in Related Items pane not working properly when showing multiple links to same item.
  • Info item attribute type not sorted properly in Related Items pane.
  • Custom title expression attributes were case sensitive.
  • Inserting item with custom title into reverse-sorted node displays item in wrong position.
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