Thread: copy web pages
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Old 07-13-2008, 08:03 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: That Works Well, But ...

Originally posted by tfjern
Thanks, ashwken, that works well, though it would be nice to be able to avoid the Control + A step. OK, I know -- we are being spoiled by Kinook's constant attentiveness to our suggestions and whinnings.
All import methods for that page capture all the images I can see.

By the way, when in IE 7 and I do the following -- Control + A / Copy of a Wikipedia webpage to Ultra Recall (via the UR taskbar button), the webpage is imported into UR with no problem, as I mentioned above.

However, as a test, if you click on Item / Synchronize for the same page in UR, you will find that the stored page (doc) size is slightly reduced, even though the Wikipedia webpage itself was not updated. In other words, some of the original webpage characters are being dropped when synchronization takes place in UR.
The web content (HTML code) of the original web page (and what UR retrieves on sync) and what IE puts on the clipboard for Ctrl+A/copy are not identical.

For example, the (toggle) word "hide" to the right of the word Contents (in box) is present in IE, but lost in UR after synchronization.
In the original page, some JavaScript is used to conditionally display the text [show] or [hide] and to show/hide that section when clicked. When importing the original page, the script code to display and make that operational will be excluded unless 'Tools | Options | Import (More) | Download scripts' is checked (the default is unchecked, mainly for security purposes).

In the HTML code that IE copies to the clipboard when using Ctrl+A/copy (and processed by UR), the JavaScript that displays [show] or [hide] is replaced with an anchor tag. If the script option above is unchecked when imported this way, the text is captured (since it's no longer defined in script code), but it is not operational (since the script it invokes is not imported). If the import script option is checked when importing, it is operational, although the show / hide text is duplicated (because of the way IE tweaks the HTML).

On more thing -- when using the UR Copy to UR taskbar button in IE 7, the options in the Import to UR popup window are Link, Move (grayed out), and Copy. Strangely, it doesn't matter if you select link or copy, the size of the file imported in UR is the same (since it is being copied, of course). Why, then, is the link option available if there is no linking going on? I realize the other taskbar button is UR Link to UR is for linking, but it would be less confusing if when copying the link / move options weren't available, and the other way around when linking.
Most of the time, linking is a valid option, but if part/all of the page content was selected before initiating the import, UR will prefer that and copy even if link was chosen on the popup dialog (or the toolbar).
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