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Old 07-22-2008, 09:58 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: Problem constructing Team Build 2008 command line

Originally posted by lherz
I am trying to call a team build 2008 project with the Team Build step in v6.7, and am getting the following error with the resulting command line: (I have sanitized the command line to remove sensitive data replacing it with angle bracketed placeholders)

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\TFSBuild.exe" start "http://<TFSServer>:8080" "$/<Company>/TeamBuild/Types/<project>" "<BuildDef>" /queue /getoption Custom /customgetversion T /priority Normal /requestedfor <BuildDomain\User>
Microsoft (R) TfsBuild Version
for Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Option getoption requires a value.

Process completed with exit code 100
Install v6.7a.

I also receive an error if I define a build directory or build machine.
When including a build directory (drop location) the command line generated includes a "/d:<path to drop location>" parameter which the team build does not recognise. In looking at the comment line options for TFSBuild.exe 2008, I see a /dl: listed for drop location.
According to, /droplocation can be abbreviated as /d. If the documentation is wrong, a workaround would be to clear out the Build directory field and add the /dl: flag to the Additional options field on the Options tab.

Adding a build machine option generates an /m:<buildMachingName> parameter on teh comment line, for which there is no apparent equivelent in TFSBuild 2008.
Only Team Build 2005 supports that field/flag. Maybe this is stored in the build definition in 2008?
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