Thread: Slow on USB
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Old 08-17-2008, 12:28 AM
gunars gunars is online now
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slow if .urd on USB

I'm also finding UR is very slow if the .urd file is on a USB flash memory stick. I've tried current versions of UR Pro, both the portable version on the USB stick and the regular version installed on my hard drive. Both are fast if the .urd is on my hard drive and both are slow if the .urd is on the USB stick. This is with a fairly fast 8 Gb Corsair Data Voyager on 3 different computers (all usb 2.0). This is even with a new skeletal .urd I just created. There's a noticable (3-5 sec) lag just moving between the few items in the newly created file. Sometimes I even get a popup msg box that says please wait while it's loading the next item. That's just a bit too slow to be usable. I also tried the two registry patches, but that didn't help. Other apps (e.g. portable Evernote) seem to be just fine with both software and data on the stick. Any ideas? I know I can run it off the hard drive and copy up to the stick, but the whole point to a portable app is to have everything available just by plugging it into any machine.
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