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Old 11-14-2008, 04:58 AM
Roaster Roaster is online now
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Join Date: 08-01-2007
Posts: 51
Outlook mails and embedded images


Using UR 3.5b (Pro) I now tried to store an Outlook mail with embedded images into my UR database: The text is copied correctly, but the images are missing.

When copying this message content, using CTRL+C and pasting it into a new UR item, those images are too missing!
However I noticed one slight difference here: the place where those images should be displayed is surrounded by a a rectangle when clicking into those empty lines.
This indicates that UR is aware that there should be some images but cannot show them/or did not take them over.

OTH I've now copied this message text and its images into Winword and it too does not show them. Is there a known issue with copying and pasting with Outlook?

Thanks for any answers!
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