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Old 11-14-2008, 07:23 PM
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Thanks folks.

quant: I had noticed that the roadmap had changed a bit since I had last seen it. Perhaps it is not all bad after all. However I tend to think that the roadmap may have been put back in place so that sales do not drop off completely. But maybe I'm wrong there.

Jan, I have been working on SQLNotes (IQ) since it was released as a beta version. Very interesting indeed, though, as with UR, I do not pick up new database applications easily - I'm afraid they do not appear very intuitive to me! Just as I struggled with Ultra Recall's documentation (very detailed, but not necessarily easy for the uninitiated to comprehend), I also struggled with SQLNotes, as there was not much documentation available for it when it was initially released. Fortunately though, Pierre, the developer of SQLNotes, is very communicative and generous with his time and guidance. He was, and remains, very much in touch with his user community. (A disability prevents me from sitting at my computer very long at one time, so printable, relatively easy-to-follow documentation is a real blessing for me!) The user forum for SQLNotes is also very active and very helpful to me.

I won't give up entirely on Ultra Recall; there is still a lot that I can do with it. But looking forward, I think that SQLNotes may be my future.

