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Old 11-17-2008, 06:27 AM
Roaster Roaster is online now
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to be clear, I did not accuse UR in any way, to be the cause of this issue. As a programmer, I know that there are lots of possible problems which could make your application crash or not working properly.

I've posted this problem here at least to get a confirmation from others which have this issue, too, or perhaps to get a work around like you already thankfully posted here.

Of course I could copy the image by hand however this message, where I've got the problems with, has got some more and I really like the fire-and-forget function of UR to not copy things manually but using the various application plugins.

As initially written, I already tried to copy the message content into WinWord without any success either, no images appeared.
So I already guessed that the cause of this problem could be somewhere outside of UR - I just tried to get some hints here to get messages with images properly copied into UR again.

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