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Old 11-19-2008, 04:18 AM
houseofstrauss houseofstrauss is online now
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Join Date: 11-12-2008
Posts: 8
Some further observations on UR startup issue

1- UR is configured in options to start with windows startup.
2- Minimize on windows startup, etc; ie all the options checked
3- UR is passworded for the inital URD

4- On initial windows startup, UR loads correctly and asks for password
5- password entered and all menus and content load, appears to be correct.
6- At this point there is no trayicon, or taskbar icon showing.
7- When UR is minimized or closed there are no icons to restore the app. on screen.
8- However, in system processes, UltraRecall.exe is still running.
9- While the process is running, trying to run the exe again fails to start UR untill process is terminated.
10 Once UR is running again, it appears to work correctly
11 it appears to be an initial windows startup problem.
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