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Old 12-01-2008, 09:17 PM
RalphCal RalphCal is online now
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Join Date: 07-17-2008
Posts: 22
Then there are programs like MacroExpress that allow you to assign hotkeys to anything you like and create macros that are assigned to those hotkeys ... VERY handy, I couldn't work without it. ...

The advantage here is that I have ONE place to store all my hotkey assignments and adjust the macros when ever I like. I can assign ONE hotkey and macro to run when a particular program has focus and can use the SAME hotkey for something similar or totally different when a different program has focus. You are not limited by hotkey either, you can enter a short-cut string and have it run a macro also.

Here's an example.
In Word I want to quickly change the text color to red, lets say.
I create a keystroke, in my case I used ctrl-alt-shift-R to change the color to RED. In UR I might want to do the same thing so I create another macro with different instructions to change the text to red BUT I can use the SAME hotkey in both programs even though there are differents steps involved in getting this done. This can be done as MacroExpress allows each hotkey to be global OR program/window specific.

Hope that gives you some hope.
Free 30 day trial -- I think, so you can't go wrong.

Good luck,

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