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Old 08-12-2004, 12:15 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
Do you have 'Tools | Application Options | General | Implement nesting of conditional build rules' unchecked? If so, it needs to be checked (the default) for build rules to apply to child steps.

Here is a similar test that works as expected here. The first build has this result:

8/12/2004 10:47:40 AM: --------------------Starting Build: 'exists.bld'--------------------
8/12/2004 10:47:41 AM: Building project step 'Check for folder'...
8/12/2004 10:47:41 AM: Building project step 'make dir'...
8/12/2004 10:47:41 AM: Building project step 'msg'...
8/12/2004 10:47:41 AM: Build successfully completed.

Rebuilding the project has this result:

8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: --------------------Starting Build: 'exists.bld'--------------------
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Building project step 'Check for folder'...
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Step skipped
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Building project step 'make dir'...
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Step skipped
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Building project step 'msg'...
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Step skipped
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Build successfully completed.

Compare this with what you're doing and see what's different. Also be aware that using Rebuild Selected/Test ignores build rules:
Attached Files
File Type: bld exists.bld (586 Bytes, 1504 views)
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