Len in vbscript does not work in step properties
I 've got the following line in the "send Mail" step properties:
[vbld_IIf(Len("%Test%") > 0, "%Test%", "None")]
The macro "Test" as the following text(2 line):
"This is a test
I don t like CrLf"
I get the following error when I run the step:
<Error at Line 1, Column 29 (Unterminated string constant)
Code: vbld_IIf(Len("This is a test>
I don t think that the issue is Len() but the macro expansion because if I replace the "test" macro with a single line(i.e [vbld_IIf(Len("Single line") > 0, "%Test%", "None")]) then I get the following error:
<Error at Line 1, Column 49 (Unterminated string constant)
Code: vbld_IIf(Len("Single line") > 0, "This is a test>
Please can you advice